Published : 05/06/2024

Last updated: 05/06/2024

Problems and Warning Signs from Baby Poop

It is true that you’ll obsess less over baby poop, as the baby grows up and you go through what seems to be an infinite amount of diaper changes! However, it is crucial to keep in mind that their poop will give signs or show symptoms of problems that they might be having. Meaning, ‘checking the little one’s poop’ is one of those tasks that parents must always watch out for, until the little one learns how they can help with it. Till then here are some baby poop types to keep an eye out for:

Loose/runny Poop -Diarrhea

Loose/runny poop can indicate an allergy, resulting from milk proteins in formula or something a breastfeeding mother ate, or maybe a sign of stomach bug. Teething can also cause runny stools, as there is more swallowing of saliva.


It is recommended to keep babies hydrated with water or milk or change the formula milk if runny/loose poop are observed.


If this symptom is followed with high fever in babies that are less then 3 months old, do contact your pediatrician.

Blood in Baby Poop

A few red spots in baby poop is not an issue, as this could be the result of constipation. However, persistence of this issue or a lot of blood in baby poop could indicate allergy, infection or a gastrointestinal trauma and the pediatrician must be informed about it.

Mucus in Baby Poop

Usually mucus results due to cold or teething, if it is occasional it is not a big deal. If it is frequent or in abnormal amount it could signify a Gastrointestinal tract problem and should be checked with the pediatrician.

Foamy/Frothy Baby Poop

Foamy/Frothy stools in a breast fed infant indicates that the baby is getting too more of the watery foremilk and less fatty hindmilk – experts say an easy solution is to try and complete one feeding on one breast.


For babies that are on formula milk foamy or frothy poop could be an indication of infection or allergy, lookout for other symptoms.

Pebble-like Poop

This is a classic sign of constipation, try some home remedies for constipation, however if the issue persists for 24hrs do visit your pediatrician.

A Gentle Nudge from Mammas Journey

If you notice any abnormality in the little one’s diaper and if it is followed by a high fever, or if the baby is crying and no form of consolation is working, you should visit the doctor.


Additionally, it is advised by experts to carry the diaper, since it can actually helps the inspection process.

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